The Anti-Racist Podcast List

So you posted a black square? Now commit to educating yourself.

ou’re outraged about injustice in America. You’ve long known it exists—you've seen the reactions to the Trump administration and heard the cries for justice from Occupy Wall Street, the 2013-15 Black Lives Matter uprisings, the Women’s March, and the March For Our Lives. But now you’re waking up to the epidemic that is anti-Blackness. You’re realizing we can’t continue these cycles of heightened national attention, waning, and inaction. What this movement needs most are informed and committed people who complete calls to action and do the work in their day-to-day lives. This means you. It won't be easy—dismantling 400 years of oppression is never easy—but it's the only way we can create a truly equitable society. Check out these 10 podcasts below, make your anti-racist reading list, and commit the remainder of quarantine and beyond to studying possibilities for racial equity.

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The Anti-Racist Starter Pack: 40 TV Series, Documentaries, Movies, TED Talks, and Books to Add to Your List


The Anti-Racist Reading List