Dylann Roof and Kyle Rittenhouse Are Proof That Racism Won't Just "Age Out"

As white male youth become frontline mercenaries for the far right, the way out is through inclusive curriculum, intentional anti-racist parenting, and fighting misinformation and white supremacist organizing online.

The shooting of Jacob Blake on August 23 brought the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin — and those of us watching across the country — to its knees. This is a natural reaction: to watch a man shot seven times in the back is traumatic for anyone. But imagine being one of his three sons, strapped in a car seat, hearing those seven rounds, and then seeing Daddy drop to the ground seemingly lifeless. Or imagine being one of the many community members who had just witnessed Blake break up a fight and were now watching officers stand over his body. Imagine being the family member who received that call. It’s no wonder that this community, grateful for Blake’s survival but outraged at the callous behavior of officers on the scene, would begin protesting immediately.

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These 5 Steps Towards Anti-Racism Begin with Living Values Out Loud, Writes Activist Brea Baker


Inside the Movement to Make Juneteenth a Nationally Recognized Holiday