Inside the Movement to Rename Yale's Calhoun College

A tick-tock from one of the student activists who fought for the name change.

This weekend, students of color officially changed the name of Calhoun College at Yale University to Grace Hopper College, an early and visionary computer programer.

Yes, you read that sentence correctly. To understand it, you have to know how hard we, the students of color at Yale, fought to make this a reality. How many nights we stayed up until 3 a.m. doing jobs that university administrators were paid to do. How we had meetings with professors and graduate students, interviews with The View and the New York Times, organized hundreds for protests, and made curriculums for teach-ins. You have to know how, for almost two academic calendar years, John C. Calhoun consumed us, our energy, our minds, our black and brown bodies, for the last time.

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Women of Color Are Right to Be Jaded About Voting. But That Doesn't Mean We Should Stop Doing It.