Yale Announces a New Center for Race Studies. A Yale Senior Asks, Now What?

For Brea Baker, the school's new center for race and migration studies is a Band-Aid on a bullet hole. 

On November 5th, 2015, I sat in a room in the Afro-American Cultural Center at Yale. Approximately 350 staff members, professors, and students of all backgrounds crowded into one large auditorium and an overflow hall to be heard and to listen. Two things still stick  in my mind: the absence of both President Peter Salovey and Dean Jonathan Holloway and the pain of women of color. A Native American student cried, recounting the story of her physical and emotional attack on campus with no one protecting her. A black student told the story of being denied entrance to a party unless a bunch of fraternity brothers could touch her hair.

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When Is it Okay to Laugh Again?